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10 January 2019 || 3 minute read

As engineers we often forget that the only purpose of our spacecraft is to give the payload the environment it needs. To keep it warm, to keep it cold, to protect it from the space environment. To point it in the correct direction, and hold it stable and safe. To tell it what to do and when. To make the data or service it provides work.

That’s why two years ago we hosted the first DATA.SPACE conference to focus on the challenges that space can solve.

Too many conferences focus on ‘the widget’, with space-people talking to space-people, about space. About how great space is, and wondering why non-space people don’t know.

As DATA.SPACE returns to Glasgow later this month we still only have one rule: Tell us about the challenge you are solving and the service you are providing. Then, if you must, you can tell us about the technology you are using.

Satellite data and services have revolutionised the way we navigate, communicate and monitor our surroundings. But, with better understanding comes new challenges. That’s why, unlike most similar conference, we have sector focused sessions, exposing the space sector to the challenges faced in these sectors. These sessions will address sectors as diverse as logistics, the blue economy, and the role of space in the humanitarian sector to end poverty, while ensuring equity and social justice.

Once again we’ve get a stellar line-up of speakers from around the world. We’ll be joined by heads of space agency’s, including Jean-Yves Le Gall, the President of the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES - the French space agency), and Seidu Onailo Mohammed, the Director General and CEO of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA - the Nigerian space agency), where we’ll be looking to understand how government bodies around the World are looking to support and engage with services that enhance society.

We’ll have senior representatives from large multinationals such as SP Energy Networks, Amazon, Google, and PwC.

We’ll be joined by many of the CEOs, founders and venture capitalists who are leading and enabling the new space revolution from the likes of Capella Space, Ecometrica, Clyde Space, Terran Orbital, Ursa Space, and our headline sponsor for the third year running, Spire Global.

Tim Peake dressing up in the Sokol suit for Soyuz exams at Star City. Credits: UKSA-M. Alexander

At DATA.SPACE2019 we will hear about some of the newest and most exciting services to emerge over the last year, and look forward to the most exciting service offerings set to emerge over the coming year(s). We will also be recognising the hottest new companies in the industry with our Ones2Watch in 2019, where we’ll be looking for similar success to our 2018 Ones2Watch, which included HawkEye360 and Sinergise.

DATA.SPACE2019 will be shedding new light on some of the emerging challenges in various sectors, for which a space data and services might be the key.

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